
Smart Farming
• The current crops are still using traditional farming methods which are labor intensive and ineffective.
• The existing solutions for high-tech agriculture are pricey compared to the capacity and demand, as well as not suitable for the diverse characteristics of each region in Vietnam.
• Combros learns from existing solutions and desires to bring high technology with reasonable prices that suitable to the needs and capabilities of the farmers. Especially, high technology uses local materials and innovative equipment with high productivity to reduce manual labor.
• Combros is gradually building modular, flexible solutions that apply to existing gardens and newly built gardens.
• Combros has implemented the experimental process in HiFarm on 2 types of plants: strawberry and tomato.
• HiFarm’s automation process:
+ Stage 1: Automation control, semi-automation via mobile application system.
+ Stage 2: Complete automation, engineers carry out crop inspection through the application system.
• Apply Big Data to monitor activities and fully automate the cultivation of different types of crops.
• Build automation schedules (watering, composting,...) on applications, monitor environmental conditions and automatically adjusted according to environmental conditions: temperature, humidity, pH, EC,…
Precisely control the amount of water at the discretion of engineers, avoid waterlogging and water wasting: maximum error for watering and composting and is +/- 5 liters.
It not only less depends on the weather but also reduces manual labor, that makes farm efficiency reaches maximum levels.